Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A Tree Grows ... Wherever -- REDUX

Quote:  When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. – Maya Angelou  

Perspective:  When I first heard this quote over a decade ago, I thought about my romantic relationships.  Recently, I’ve been expanding it to include familial and casual relationships.  It can be telling why someone has a particular demeanor!  

I had an interesting "adventure" on a subway ride from Brooklyn to my home.  Travel time is normally 1 hour 10 minutes.  Unfortunately, there was a broken rail at the penultimate train station and all passengers had to disembark.  In NYC when you’re train is delayed, you can get a block pass (a piece of paper) from the token booth clerk to travel via an alternate route.  The passes and subsequent ride is free.  The token booth clerk refused to give us a block pass.  She said we didn’t need a pass.  A yelling match ensued with the token booth clerk and the 20 riders.  I was thinking, why is she being so rude?  What’s the big deal?  It’s 11 o’clock at night -- give us the freakin’ passes and let us go home!  

Finally a supervisor heard the commotion and came by.  The supervisor told the clerk to go on break immediately.  The supervisor volunteered to distribute the block passes to us.  As the clerk left the booth, I took a good look at her.  I recognized her!!!  We went to the same junior high school!!!  I remember her being a bully.  She was friends with a crowd of other bullies.  I was one grade ahead of her; she never bullied me.  But I always remembered her and her crowd.  You never forget a bully or that attitude.  

At any point I can change my demeanor, my character, my disposition.  I have to want to change then take the action to do it.  Otherwise, I am the unchanged from age 10 to age 17 to age 45 to age 70+. 

Call to Action:  Start singing/read OUT LOUD the lyrics to RESPECT by Aretha Franklin.  What is your definition now?  

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Happy vs. Thankful -- REDUX

QuoteHappiness has nothing to do with your life's circumstances; it’s based on your ability to accept the things you are experiencing. – Nishan Panwar

PerspectiveMy level of acceptance depends on my happiness at that moment.  Have I eaten a meal?  Do I need to go to the bathroom?  Am I waiting for a NYC bus in January? 

Or does my level of happiness depend on my acceptance in that moment?  Can I network (or commiserate or just chat) with others after my meal or while waiting for the bus?  What is possible if I’m open?

Yes even if I have to pee … something incredible is possible!!

Accepting is a knowing that whatever comes, I will get through with flying colors.  It’s about bending and being ready for whatever comes my way. 

Have you ever been fired or laid off?  Was your next job more amazing than the previous one?  Or did you start a business that changed the world?  Or just changed YOUR world and YOUR way of thinking?  

When my father died, I realized my mother was my only living parent.  Previous to that, my relationship with her was fractured.  We had little in common.  Did I really want to hang out with her without Dad?!?!!!?? 

One Thanksgiving holiday, Mom and I were watching a comedy film on TV.  It was also one of my father’s favorite films of all time.  Previous to that, I didn't remember Mom EVER enjoying this film.  In fact, I remember her saying it was vulgar.  Now she was laughing so loud and long, she told me her stomach hurt.  In the past, I remember my father loving this comedy and he would laugh so loud and long his stomach would hurt.  My father was there with us watching.  

That’s the day that changed us both.  We started to talk.  Our journey to friendship and hilarity grows every day.

By the way, Mom is 86.  Yes she’s still a pistol!!  

Thank you Mom for showing me acceptance!   

PS >> Yes, I have thanked her in person. 

Call to ActionWhat do I continuously justify in my life today?  How am I feeling my way is the only way?  What can I turn over and become free of resentment or remorse or guilt?  Can I hear another point of view?  

Thursday, April 10, 2014

You Can't Go Wrong! -- REDUX

Quote:   Just don’t give up what you’re trying to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don’t think you can go wrong. – Ella Fitzgerald  

Perspective:  I define a hobby as something I would do for $0.  With that said, I have several hobbies.  I sometimes think, “What would it be like if I got paid to cook or salsa dance or do yoga.”  The truth is I do!!  Not a salary but I get many benefits – both spiritual and physical.  

When I cook, I increase my creativity and resourcefulness.  I look in my pantry and refrigerator and make an amazing dish.  When I salsa dance, it helps me to be interdependent with others.  How can you coach (individuals or groups) and NOT get feedback and grow?  By listening, learning, and interacting.  When I practice yoga, it brings all my other hobbies together!  When I connect with my breath and my Higher Power before (and after) a yoga class, it magnifies and strengthens all areas of my life.  

I can only imagine a day where I dance, practice yoga, AND cook??!!?  Amazing!!!
Giving up and quitting is easy.  Love and inspiration are easy.  I choose the latter pair every time. 

Call to Action:  What would job (skill) would you do for $0?  You’re a famous performer (musician, singer, poet, rapper, spoken word).  Write lyrics to a song about it.

Want to have Spirit with a Bite in paperback?  Click here: http://www.lulu.com/shop/crystal-williamson/one-month-of-spirituality-with-a-bite/paperback/product-21488633.html


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

To Depend on Confidently -- REDUX

Quote:  Relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing had yet been done. -- C.S. Lewis

Perspective: I took dance lessons and danced professionally (modern, jazz, tap) from the age of 10 until I was 25 years old.  I remember both loving and dreading dancing. Even though I was attending class 3 times a week, I knew the routines, and I loved learning in the "trade," I had to treat each lesson and performance as if it were new. Yes I did learn a little more everyday and I built more knowledge with each lesson/performance.  But the synergy was different with every lesson and every performance. I didn't want to acknowledge that.  I was irritated when my dance teachers said I needed to rely on my dance partner or the other dancers in the group or the music or something else besides me. I didn't realize I was the Ying; they were the Yang.

Opposites are flip sides of the same coin. Up, down, left, right - they all "need" each other. 

Is God the flip side of me? I think God is more an integral part of me. How do I see that part of me more readily? I recognize I need help from God EVERYDAY. I expect greatness from God EVERYDAY. I show my love and joy for God EVERYDAY. God allows me and blesses me to see the road map of my life EVERYDAY. God please give me the clarity and eagerness to recognize and take advantage of your guidance EVERYDAY.

Call to Action:  Be a car for one day. Are you restarting the engine with a bad carburetor, no spark plugs, or the gas gauge on E?  What do you need to refuel and get your car humming? How many mechanics do you need to fix this car? 

Want to have Spirit with a Bite in paperback?  Click here: http://www.lulu.com/shop/crystal-williamson/one-month-of-spirituality-with-a-bite/paperback/product-21488633.html