Thursday, March 5, 2015

4 Ways to Stick With Your Resolutions Year-round - #1 of 4 REDUX

Should old acquaintance be forgot … 

Wow 2015‼  It’s a new year!  What are your New Year’s Resolutions for 2014?  Lose weight, quit smoking (you know who you are!), start a holistic business … What were your resolutions in 2014?  In 2000? In 1992? Did you have the same resolutions?  Did you continue your new resolutions all year?  Did you get to March with those resolutions???‼‼!??!?!  If not, then you’re in the same boat as most Americans.  Approximately 87% of us don’t keep our resolutions.  It’s frustrating, distressing and exhausting.  

Resolutions? No! Goals? YES!
One way to keep your resolutions fresh and have staying power is to think of them as goals.  Resolutions are the end result of goals.  They may be formidable goals. But in the end, completing those goals will fulfill your resolution needs.  

Use the acronym GOAL to keep your resolutions year-round.  Here's the first of four tips to keep your GOALs:

#1 of 4

I’m a great believer in taking action.  Talking about a goal, creating a vision board, or reading affirmations are a wonderful start.  But if there is NO ACTION afterward, the goal is naught!  If there is no action, it becomes a wish.  Wishing is hollow if not followed by consistent action to fulfill your goal.  How many New Year’s resolutions have gone unfulfilled due to lack of action and follow through? What are your 2014 resolution(s)? What are some interim goals for the first quarter of 2015? What is your goal (to fulfill your New Year’s resolution) for January 2015? What are some steps you need to take? How do you need to get going now?

CALL TO ACTION:    Write down your goals for the next 365 days. Create a table/grid with 3 columns.  One column is your clearly stated goal, the next column is what action needs to be done, and the third is your deadline.  Start to fill it in now.

Spirit with a Bite in paperback:


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