Thursday, April 10, 2014

You Can't Go Wrong! -- REDUX

Quote:   Just don’t give up what you’re trying to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don’t think you can go wrong. – Ella Fitzgerald  

Perspective:  I define a hobby as something I would do for $0.  With that said, I have several hobbies.  I sometimes think, “What would it be like if I got paid to cook or salsa dance or do yoga.”  The truth is I do!!  Not a salary but I get many benefits – both spiritual and physical.  

When I cook, I increase my creativity and resourcefulness.  I look in my pantry and refrigerator and make an amazing dish.  When I salsa dance, it helps me to be interdependent with others.  How can you coach (individuals or groups) and NOT get feedback and grow?  By listening, learning, and interacting.  When I practice yoga, it brings all my other hobbies together!  When I connect with my breath and my Higher Power before (and after) a yoga class, it magnifies and strengthens all areas of my life.  

I can only imagine a day where I dance, practice yoga, AND cook??!!?  Amazing!!!
Giving up and quitting is easy.  Love and inspiration are easy.  I choose the latter pair every time. 

Call to Action:  What would job (skill) would you do for $0?  You’re a famous performer (musician, singer, poet, rapper, spoken word).  Write lyrics to a song about it.

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